Kyle Jeffrey » Coach Jeffrey

Coach Jeffrey

This is my 21st year in education and my third year at Westbrook.  I will be teaching English III, and English IV this school year, as well as 1st - 5th Grade P.E.  I will be coaching football, basketball, track, and Head Baseball.  I have been coaching six-man football for 19 years with 10 years as a head coach and athletic director.
My family and I are excited to be Wildcats!  My wife, Kasey, is a surgical RN at Rolling Plains Hospital.  Our oldest son, Dylan, recently graduated from Hardin-Simmons University and is a fireman for the city of Big Spring.  He will be getting married in December to his longtime girlfriend, Hannah.  Our youngest son, Grayson, is a senior here at Westbrook HS.
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Kyle Jeffrey
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