Haley Berend » Welcome!


I am so excited to be joining the Wildcat family this year! I have the honor of teaching Ag and being the FFA advisor for the 24-25 year. I will also be teaching BIM. I graduated from Tarleton State University and have a diverse background of both agriculture and science. I have traveled around the US extensively and in my final year of college met my husband Jason and started a family. My husband has west texas roots and 4 years ago we decided to move our cattle operation and family to the best place to live in Texas! Jason and I have a 1st grader Bennett and we will be welcoming another baby boy Bryce this November. We own and operate Berend Cattle and love all things outdoors and agriculture. We are so excited to start this journey and throughout the year I will update with important information. 
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Haley Berend
AG Teacher/ FFA Advisor
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